GBCSA / Educate / Professional Team Member

Accredited Programs

If you are new in the field, or an experienced expert, the GBCSA accredited programs offer development opportunities

If you are new in the field, or an experienced expert, the GBCSA accredited programs offer development opportunities through a range of specialised courses which will give you an understanding of the importance of green building, the role of the GBCSA, the course material and the opportunity to be recognised as an Accredited Professional.

The project role of the accredited professional is to guide the project team around the Green Star or Net Zero submission process; advise the client on what credits best suit the available budget and design, and be the liaison between the GBCSA and the project team.

Existing Building Performance

The EBP rating tool measures the environmental performance of existing buildings and provides insight into all major aspects of environmental sustainability that should be considered in the operational performance of existing buildings.

Become a GSAP EBP

GBCSA Training Video

GBCSA Training Video


The Interiors rating tool provides guidance on the environmental performance of interior fit outs and associated sustainable approaches. This rating can be applied to either a Design or As Built certification process.

Become a GSAP I

New GBCSA Accredited Professional tiering system

New GBCSA Accredited Professional tiering system

Now, the criteria of qualification, experience and level of activity and engagement in the industry will guide the GBCSA’s awarding of the Accredited Professional qualification into to arrange three distinct tiers.

New Buildings

The New Buildings rating tool measures the environmental performance of new buildings and major refurbishments. The rating can be applies to either a Design or As Built certification process.

Become a GSAP NB

Work as a GBCSA Accredited Professional

Work as a GBCSA Accredited Professional

There is no doubt, the green building sector is maturing. In the years prior to 2016 the Green Building in South Africa: Guide to Costs and Trends Report found the cost of building green, over and above the convention cost of construction, averaged 5.0%.

Sustainable Urban Precincts

The SUP program focuses not on buildings, but the space between them, and so allows the environmental performance of green precincts to be evaluated in the design, construction and operation stage.

Become a GSAP SUP

Gear up your rating as a green building professional

Gear up your rating as a green building professional

A GBCSA Accredited Professional (AP) is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to become a confident leader in guiding projects through Green Star certification.

Net Zero

When a green building project has zero impact on the environment in one or several areas including carbon, water, waste and ecology, it is rated as Net Zero. This program covers the criteria associated with this rating.

Become an AP Net Zero

Step one to a lighter 2020: Reward your team with training

Step one to a lighter 2020: Reward your team with training

It’s bonus season, or is it? 2019 has been another tough year for many organisations and their teams. Find out more how you can make the case for a bonus through professional development, a move that would benefit both the organisation and team members.

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