GBCSA / Certify / Other Certification rating tools

Other Certification Tools

Custom GBCSA Green Star certifications are categorised by Net Zero, Energy Water Performance, (EWP), and EDGE to facilitate the green design, construction and operation of buildings that either have no environmental impact, or simply focus on EWP or the EDGE tool.

Net Zero

The GBCSA Net Zero rating process can be applied to new construction projects, fit out projects and existing buildings in operation

Projects that go beyond the partial reductions recognised in the current GBCSA tools and either completely neutralise, or positively address their impacts, are eligible to receive Net Zero Certification in the categories of: Carbon, Water, Waste and Ecology.

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Energy Water Performance (EWP)

This tool assists building owners to understand the performance of their buildings sit in relation to other similar office buildings in the sector as well as in relation to other buildings in their own portfolio

It gives clarity around decision making on whether to retrofit, hold or sell and is a powerful communication tool to prospective tenants or buyers. This bench-marking tool makes up 40% of the Existing Building Performance tool, but is also available as a separate certification.

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EDGE Residential

Designed to be a simple, user-friendly green building rating online tool the EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) software is free and offers a measureable way to cut back on the resource intensity of your building.

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